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88% of women-owned businesses generate less than $100,000 in revenue per year. 

And unfortunately, $100,000 in revenue doesn't equate to a six-figure salary.

Too often, women who should be earning a high income are "just getting by" financially.

I know we can do better. I want more for us.

I’m Tara Newman 👋, an expert in Organizational Psychology, business growth, and Profit First.

It’s my mission to make sure you get paid like the expert you are while doing work that brings you meaning, purpose, and fun (yep, that's right...let's have some fun while we work!).

It’s time for women to create the structure in their business that allows them to generate real, tangible, in-the-bank wealth

🎯 It all starts with our free revenue goal calculator 🎯

And when you're ready, take a 👀 at The Bold Profit Academy.

Available Products

The Bold Profit Academy

The Bold Profit Academy will revamp your business foundations and give you the bold leadership skills required to generate consistent revenue, enviable profits without all the bullshittery so you have the margin required to live your life (not live for your business.)

 Book your growth assessment here.

If you don't see a time that works for you, email me at and put "Bold Profit" in the subject line.

The webpage includes FAQ's.

Journaling for Clarity, Vision and Abundance

Harvard Business School, research shows a 25% increase in performance for a group of journalers –  the kind of stats that make a real impact for high-performance leaders like you and me.

Journaling is an activity we do in our mastermind days. It's also something I do with my clients when they need to get laser-focused on what they're creating.

It's powerful!

The leaders who have gone through this training have received amazing results that they would have paid good money for – but we’re giving away for free.

Revenue Goal Calculator

The first step in building a profitable business that allows you to get paid and prosper.

This is the exact Revenue Goal Calculator that we use in my program, The Bold Profit Academy. It will show you precisely how much revenue you need to: yourself so you can live the lifestyle you want.

…cover your taxes so you don’t lay awake at night worrying if you can handle next year’s tax bill. your business in a way that doesn’t require you to overwork just to pay your expenses.

...invest in future growth so you can keep making the impact you envision for yourself.

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